Saturday, August 31, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘The tell-tale heart’ and Ray Bradbury’s ‘The fruit at the bottom of the bowl’ Essay

Compare and contrast the main themes from Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘the tell-tale heart’ and Ray Bradbury’s ‘the fruit at the bottom of the bowl’. The two stories both contain crime, punishment and murder. The two stories both contain two men who become obsessed with either his own or someone else’s body part. They seem very similar but they are actually quite the opposite†¦ The writers both build up tension in there stories they make this clear by adding something about the item in nearly every line, which makes the reader clear of what is going on. Ray Bradbury tries to give us a clue in his title what the story is about, before you have read the story the title is not clear but after you have read the story it becomes clearer, the man in the story murders someone and gets obsessed with cleaning, as he wants to get rid of the evidence. The author uses the metaphor ‘the fruit at the bottom of the bowl’ to emphasise that the man is so obsessed with the evidence and what can be seen he has forgotten about the things that are deeper than the surface what the eye can’t see, like the fruit that is at the bottom of the bowl. In this story we are not given a name, sex or given any kind of information about the character, which is rather strange. Edgar Allan Poe does the same kind of thing with his title ‘the tell-tale heart’ this as well is not clear to us until we have read the story his title explains what happens when the character is caught he/she breaks down in front of two policemen because of his/her heart, his conscious is telling him what to do and finally the character breaks down. The story is about a mad person ‘†¦that I am mad’ who is disturbed by one mans eye and can’t take it no longer and eventually murders the man and gets caught when he/she breaks down in front of two officers, but he/she only thinks they have killed the eye but they don’t realise they have killed the man but deep in there heart they know they have done wrong and their conscious gets the better of them. The fruit at the bottom of the bowl is set at midnight ‘the clock ticked midnight’ and the character who is William Acton becomes obsessed with cleaning as he has killed a man (Huxley) and wants to get purge of the evidence in nearly every line it mentions something about his hands or fingers he is trying to remember what his hands or fingers have touched ‘the fingerprints were every, everywhere!’ at the end of the story it doesn’t tell us if Acton was caught it leaves us to guess what is going to happen to him. As in the tell-tale the character (who we are not told a name or sex) is mad and becomes obsessed with an eye of a man ‘I think it was his eye, yes his eye’ and that’s what causes the murder and we do know that he is caught. They both committed the crime by murder. We do assume that both the main characters are taken away and given prison sentences but it doesn’t actually tell us this is happening because of the way the stories are set out with the flash backs, the past and present tenses we do not know if the story is being told to us even from a prison cell or if they have already received there punishment it leaves us in suspense to what is going to happen to them or what has happened to them. It does give us an idea that they are already sentenced because they are telling the story in the past presents. In the tell-tale heart the narrator is telling the story he or she starts to go mad when he mentions the eye and he starts to build up tension when it comes to the end where the character breaks down in front of the two officers the character breaks down because of the heart beaten in his head but I don’t think he does hear this in his head I think it is his conscious telling him to confess to what he has done in the written story they show this by adding a lot of explanation marks because he is breaking down and it is all happening so fast ‘I could bear those hypocritical smiles no longer! I felt I must scream or die!’ In the two stories the characters choose to kill their victim. In the tell-tale heart the character planned to kill the man he couldn’t take the sight of the eye anymore ‘I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever’ as in the ‘fruit at the bottom of the bowl’ it was done more spontaneously he just ended up having an argument with a man called Huxley and Acton (the main character) ended up strangling Huxley and killing him. Even though the two stories seem very alike they have their differences. In the ‘fruit at the bottom of the bowl’ the writer uses a range of sentences when he is talking about the past he uses long sentences and in present he uses shorter sentences also the author writes the story after the murder is committed and tells us how the murder is accomplished by using flash backs and includes us into the story when he is talking in the present, which makes the story seem more eerie, as the ‘the tell-tale heart’ is told in a slightly different way it doesn’t use the same style of writing he writes in one format instead of two. He writes in the first person ‘hearken I and observe how healthily- how calmly I can tell you the whole story’. He starts the beginning of the story talking to the reader which drifts you in to the story because the character is not talking sense ‘I heard all thing in heaven and in earth. I heard many things in hell so how then am I mad?’ and you become confused to what is going on and makes you want to read on to find out what the character is saying and what he is on about? In the tell-tale heart the character mentions that he has gone mad ‘why will you say then that I am mad?’ he has lost his mind and I think that is punishment enough for him because he has took away someone’s life now he has had his mind taken from him. In the fruit at the bottom of the bowl I don’t think Acton has gone insane he just becomes obsessed with trying to get disposal of the evidence and this is what makes him become obsessive. I don’t think before the murder either of the characters were mad, maybe the character in the tell-tale heart may have been a bit mentally unstable as it is a bit confusing how he becomes so obsessive over one mans eye but I think that he/she tends to lose their mind after the murder as it has got to him/her a lot. As William Acton also tends to loose his mind towards the end of the story as his hands start to take control ‘but unknown to his eyes, his gloved fingers moved in a little rubbing rhythm on the wall’ and also he starts to talk to himself ‘would u, I would, are you certain, yes’. I think both stories had a well thought out setting and both themes were superior but even though the stories both contain the same contents (murder, crime and punishment) they seem very similar but they are really quite diverse I didn’t realise that until after I had compared the two stories. The two authors use different styles of writing in their stories. I really enjoyed reading the stories but not as much as comparing them and spotting how much they are unlike.   

Friday, August 30, 2019

Environmental Factors Leading to Civilization Along the Nile Essay

A. ) The two most significant environmental or physical geographic factors that contributed to the development and expansion of the United states had to be the Gold Rush, and the Irish Potato Famine. The Irish potato famine was devistating to Ireland and laid waste to it’s population, but ended up spurring Irish immigration to the United States, leading to both growth and expansion. The gold rush that took hold in the United States was one of the biggest factors that pushed people west and lead to a greater settlement of the west coast and all areas between. These two major events helped to shape the country that we know today. The Irish Potato Famine was one of the most significant environmental factors that helped develope and expand the United States because it not only lead to a population swell, but contrubuted to our work force due to the large number of immigrants that came to the U. S. as a result of it. Before the famine, the Catholic Irish peasents lived a very poor lifestyle and were constantly under fear of being evicted by their land lords as their farms were downsized and their rents were raised. They grew potato crops in the fertile Irish soil and used those crops to pay their rents and feed their families. This was many families’ sole source of income and nutrition. When the potato famine began in September of 1845, the potato crops failed universaly in Ireland, something that had never happened before. The poor Irish had been acustomed to a bad crop in a spot or two and they always had adjusted to circumstances before, and there was little loss of life over this previously. From 1845 and for the next 4 years, the crops would fail repeatedly and this caused wide-spread death, from both starvation and opportunistic infections such as typhus, that mowed people down by the thousands in their hunger weakend condition. There were many theories about just why the crops failed, both superstitious and religious, but we know now that it was the fault of a fungus, carried on the winds from England where it had been brough over by the North American ships. This fungus, phytophthora infestans, florished in the damp cool climate of Ireland and consistently ruined the potato crops. By 1847, two years into the Irish Potato Famine, people began to seek greener pastures either as a result of eviction, or the promise of a new and better life in the United States. There had been Irish imigration prior to this, but 1847 was really the first year where major waves of Irish families began to come to the United States. This lead to a population explosion on the eastern coast of the United States and the Irish immigrants who lived through the voyage found little welcome, often being taken advantage of and stolen from. The Irish immigrants brough with them new ideas about culture and religion and provided laborers for road work and other tasks that helped expand the United States. The Civil War is another event in wich the Irish took part. The immigrants joined the Union Army in droves and some atribute the northern victory in that war to the seemingly endless supply of Union troops, composed largely of the immigrant population flooding into the United States at that time. How different would our country be had the famine not happened and the immigrants not come? The other major event that contributed to the expansion and developement of the United States was the California Gold Rush. The Gold Rush was an exciting time in the history of the United States. It lead to a huge amount of expansion and settlement of the western-most poritions of the United States that were largely under-explored wilderness at that time. In May of 1848 gold was found along the banks of the American River near Sacramento, California. By August of that same year the New York Herald published an article about these findings, and so the Gold Rush was born! Men flocked to California to seek their fortunes in the hopes of a better life for themselves and thier families. They left their wives and children and came over land and by sea via Panama. Prospectors seeking to strike it rich brought with them their American ideals and values, and are a big part of the reason that California became a state in 1850. The California gold fields were an exciting and dangerous place to be, with few laws and really no way to inforce those that they had. Prostitution and drunken brawls and shootings were common place and many-a-fortune was won and lost in gambeling at camp. Most prospectors did not, in fact, strike it rich and left disallusioned to either go back to their families, or to settle the area around San Francisco. As a result of the Gold Rush, California’s population swelled from just 25,000 people to well over 220,000, when all was said and done. The population increase helped to settle the area and made San Fransico a major trade port for the Western United States as well as a gateway of sorts for travel and immigration. The influx of interest and travel in the west also paved the way for industries such as mining for silver in Nevada and the building of a transcontinental railroad to the west. The Gold Rush played a huge part in the expansion and development of the United States in that it had such an impact on California and the west. California and the west coast as a whole just wouldn’t be what they are today had the Gold Rush not taken place. B. ) The most significant environmental or physical geographic factor that contributed to the development of Egyptian society was the Nile river. The area in question is made up of harsh, sandy desert and mountains. The river Nile flows down through this area and, due to the run-off from melting snow in the mountains each spring, carries with it rich, fertile soil that is really the only soil in the area suitable for crop production. The people in the area could use this fertile soil to plant crops and, based this new-found dependability, begin to settle and build permanent dwellings and villages. Since the villagers could count on two harvests per year, in most years, this would create and excess of product that could then be used for trade. The area near the Nile river is the only area that is very suitable for a sustainable way of life. That is why civilization grew up there due to the ability to grow crops, domesticate animals, and build permanent dwellings. People no longer had to be nomadic and search out food, they could grow and raise their own! The Nile also had a big impact on the religion of the time. Egyptian religion was ploytheistic and Egyptians worshiped many gods, usually based on nature. They had a sun god, a water god, an earth god, and so-forth. Each year when the Nile river flooded, this encouraged the belief in such gods and their devine will. The destruction that the flooding could cause was thought of as punishment for wrong doing and people created rituals to ward off the anger of their gods. A good crop grown from the soil brought down by the flooding was considered a sign of the gods’ pleasure with their people. The Nile’s influence could also be felt in it’s natural ability to be a trade route for Egypt. The arid desert climate makes it anything but an ideal area to travel through, and many found the river was a swift and cool route over wich to do business. The waters brought not only fertile soil for farming, but a measure of wealth and prosperity that contributed hugely to the growth and developement of the civilization. B1. One example of cultural diffusion is the relationship between Egypt and Rome. After being defeated by Rome, Egypt prospered as a province and was the main residence of Augustus Ceaser. This had a huge cultural impact on Egypt because Augustus began to rule the city under Roman laws and this was a whole new way of doing things. There are also the effects on Rome to look at. Egypt was a boon to the Roman Empire due to the trade routes through the desert, the abundant desert minerals that could be mined and later used to make statues and ornaments, and the glass that could be found in Egypt as well. One would have to wonder how different Grecian art would have been without the natural contributions that were made by Egypt. There was a natural diffusion that took place simply by co-existence with people of a different culture and background. The depictions of Egyptian people and gods began to look more Roman in dress and features and, likewise, the Egyptian architecture such as Obelisks became popular in Roman art and architecture.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cultural and Economic Forces in the Maintenance of Reproduction of Essay

Cultural and Economic Forces in the Maintenance of Reproduction of Social Inequality - Essay Example There is certainly the difference of social class due to economic differences. The wealthy and poor are discriminated not only by money but by their appearance and cloths also. The social class has mobility unlike racial stratification. For e.g. some maids may be working to support their studies and after which they will be working in higher paying and more skilled jobs which would take them to higher class socially. The maids and the hotel guests are two poles of different social class based on their economic conditions. The two groups have homogeneity within the group while great difference between the groups. Hence it is better explained by economic polarization of Esteban and Ray (As cited in Palacios-Gonzlez and Garca-Fernndez 1). The polarization differs from inequality in the sense that as the income increases the inequality decreases. The income is considered around the global mean while the polarization centers on many factors. As the polarization increases the social confli ct also increases (Mogues and Carter (4). It is true, though, that the different class of hotel maids put them at culturally disadvantaged position as well. They are excluded from high culture group and restricted in their cultural practices (Benett et al 268). It is to be noted here that the cultural capital alone is not sufficient to remove such class inequality, possession of social capital is necessary to give future generations advantages or being the high social class citizen. In other words the social class with economic capital provide transmission and reproduction of social advantages to next generation while lack of these results in exclusion from advantageous social class (Benett et al 268-269). Case 2- Minorities in the bus (William Harry Shipps) : The minorities including the black Americans had taken to travel en mass in particular buses and avoid those carrying predominantly white people. The racial and ethnic basis of social inequality still continues despite the abolition of slavery in USA. The Marxist view considers inequalities unacceptable though at the same time it finds these inevitable as consequences of unequal availability of cultural and economic capital. According to them the system allows uninterrupted access to strategic and basic resources to some people while restricting access of these to others. Moreover, different groups in social hierarchy are placed at various social distances in terms of cultural and other factors. This different access to opportunities is explained by a number of ideological explanation that not only maintain the social distances but also make these look normal and inevitable (Bartlett 199-200). As a result Marxist explain class as group's ability to own or access a good and that whe re blacks and other American minorities are still at disadvantage. The other reasons for persistence, of this social inequality, is non-mobility that makes racial categories inert for very long time compared to the social class categories. For e.g. blacks are considered as racially subordinate group when it comes to education and occupational opportunities. These opportunities overlook the individual qualities and

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

$100 laptop by John Quelch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

$100 laptop by John Quelch - Essay Example He needed investment in one million at a time by a nation in Laptop and including all expenditures, the price tag could go to $ 200 million to $ 250 million. Negroponte decided not to venture into production until he has firm commitments from governments to buy at least five million machines outside the USA. Competitors were increasingly lowering their product prices with no such restriction. The real issue was the shift in technology. The emerging markets were likely to be wireless-centric rather than PC- centric. Hence it was more viable to distribute internet enabled cell phones to children for education rather than trying to built and distribute Wi-FI enabled mesh networks with donated or subsidized Laptops as was being done by OLPC. The problem was of disruptive innovation and market evolution. OLPC is facing many different challenges and varied situations both internally and in the external environment. In the table below is the list of the few most relevant and important facts concerning OLPC. SWOT analysis is the most effective tool that provides the framework for the analysis of the business environment. It is considered more effective because, in a way, it combines the Porters five forces with the PEST analysis. It requires careful prioritization of strong opportunities and threats. Wrong selection may lead to weaker opportunities and threats coming in the analysis. SWOT analysis provides both internal and external analysis and provides a critical analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It helps organizations in developing its strategies like SO that emphasizes on utilizing strengths to capture the opportunities. WT strategy focuses on minimizing weaknesses and threats. ST strategy focuses on using strengths in minimizing threat whereas WS strategy is focused on minimizing weaknesses while focusing on strengths. In the same way, opportunities can be utilized to minimize weakness WO and threats OT depending on the strategy of the company. (Gerry Joh nson, 2008).

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Healthy food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Healthy food - Essay Example This could translate to a mentally healthy disposition that we could make sound choices in life that would make us better us a person. Environmental health meant the desirability of the physcial world that would facilitate the other dimensions of health. And the physical health is the most popular dimension of health which involves the wellness of the physique that enables to pursue our aspirations in life. In this project, the physical aspect of health will become the subject of interest because it is the most basic dimension of health. If we are not physically well, we cannot pursue anything and would defeat other dimensions of health when we are sick. In addition, physical health can easily be observed and measured, either by the improvement of the physical stature or the increased ability to engage in a physical activity. I personally elected this dimension of health because I had been sick before and it did not only feel horrible but also prevented me to engage in any activity. Such, being physically healthy would be a positive pre-emptive measure of not being sick. To make myself interested and engaged with the training program, I have to device the training to be not that difficult so that I will be motivated to commit. Such, before engaging in a high intensity program, I will gradually condition my body first so that it would become more ready to engage in intense training program. There are two training programs selected. First is swimming that would serve as an introductory training to build endurance, stamina and circuit training (whole body training). Swimming is an ideal method to introduce the body to an exercise because â€Å"it does not involve bearing of bodyweight, due to the buoyancy of water, compressive joint forces are lower and, as a consequence, adverse impact on the musculoskeletal system as well as injuries are

Monday, August 26, 2019

Marketing 2500 24 hours Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing 2500 24 hours - Essay Example The paper discusses demand-supply, expected sales & market share analysis, analysis of market entry mode, & strategies and estimated budget. All the analysis has base on extensive literature, case studies, theoretical modes and sales tables and curves. The statics results reflect well and car marketers from many companies both local and foreign are having an advantage. Most large automotive industries are currently either investing much in China or developing new small car models preferred by most families in China. Companies such Toyota, Ford Motor, Honda, General Motors are presently investing in China through joint ventures with the Chinese counterparts effectively thus increasing market share competition. Unlike the large international automotive industries, China’s one is fragmented. Most cars are small ones with the huge companies producing up to 37% of the total output. However, China’s current cost of labor is significantly low and the government has referred to the situation as a pillar industry one with high growth potential. The car industry in China continues to be attractive because the tariffs reduction in the industry intends to continue too much lower in the next few years. The government also plans to put car import quotas. Price decrease in China is causing many other auto companies to reduce their prices consequently. In the next few years, companies in China are to face an over production of up to 20% of cars. China has expectation to host more than 140 million cars on its roads; this is much more than the present hence forcing the government to improve the transport infrastructure and services. Background The factory began a s a truck building factory producing their first Jie Fang CA-10 in 1956 by the assistance of Russian Soviet Union. The company began its operations with only 39 employees who travelled to Stalin Truck Factory to receive their learning experience and instructions on how to build and construct trucks. The co mpany is located at Changchun a city that was identified by the Soviet Union as the base of the factory. The city is also situated on the northern side of china, which is also near Russia. The company continued with its operations by also producing passenger cars in 1958. The company produces luxury vehicles that have gained popularity in the country. Due to a lot of fragmentation, the company has entered into ventures with other companies such as Volkswagen. The company has also moved to acquire Tianjin Automotive Xiali in September 2002. In 2009, the company entered a joint venture with Toyota and General Motors companies (Hu, 2006). China’s development concerning automotive is high i.e. recent statistics showed that every 1000 Chinese owned an average of 1.5 car units that is over the global average. Other governmental statistics also showed that almost 32% of the Chinese urban population intends to purchase cars in the next 5 years. Introduction The auto industry that is an important sector in China’s modernization and industrialization endeavors has been growing very fast since the 1990s. In the present past years, China has become the world’s greatest automotive manufacturers, with yearly production output of 18 million units in 2011. It is also currently the largest automotive market in the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reflective summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflective summary - Essay Example This is obviously important not only professionally, but practically (Zala 2007). When examining evidence, there might be only one opportunity to insure that every facet of the material is properly analysed in order to get accurate readings on a whole host of foreign bodies that might be present (Gonzalez 2013). With that in mind, I also now realise that I need to be more analytical in my observation skills as it is essential that I visualise what might have happened, or infer the significance of a particular piece of evidence, even it at first my eyes might not catch on. In performing that practical experiments, I did notice that I have difficult discerning the relevance of particular bits of evidence at first and that it took more discussion before I caught on as to what I was actually observing. Naturally, this will likely come with more practice and I look forward to competing many more practicals in order to become more skilled at being to observe every facet of the evidence tha t is placed under

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Exchange Rate Regime of Thailand, purchasing power parity of Essay

The Exchange Rate Regime of Thailand, purchasing power parity of Thailand - Essay Example Population of Thailand is relatively homogeneous, which consists of Buddhist 94-95%, Muslim 4-5%, Christians, Hindus and others. More than 85% of its population speak Dialect of Thai and share common culture. Like many other countries of the world, Thailand also witnessed many ups and down and was occupied by the Japanese during Second World War. Since Japan’s defeat in 1945, Thailand has had very close relations with the United States. Threatened by communist revolution in neighboring countries, such as Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, Thailand actively sought U.S assistance to contain communist expansion in the reason. Recently, Thailand also has been an active member in multilateral organizations like the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. 1.1 Economic performance of Thailand: - The Thai economy is export dependent, with export accounting for 60% of GDP. Thailand recovery form the 1997-98 Asian financial crises relied largely on external demand from the United States and other foreign markets. The Thaksin government took office in February 2001 with the intention of stimulating domestic demand and reducing Thailand reliance on foreign trade and investment. Since then Thailand has embraced a â€Å"duel track† economic policy that combines domestic stimulus with Thailand’s traditional promotion of open market and foreign investment. Weak export demand held 2001 GDP growth to 2.1%. Beginning in 2002, however, domestic stimulus and export revival fueled a better performance, with real GDP growth at 6.9% in 2003 and 6.1% in 2004. Before the financial crisis, the Thai economy had years of manufacturing-led economic growth –averaging 9.4% for the decade up to 1996. Relatively abundant and inexpensive labor and natural resources, fiscal conservatism, open foreign investment policies, and encouragement of the private sector underlay the economic success in the years up to 1997. The economy is

Case Analysis - Greene Gardens Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis - Greene Gardens - Case Study Example Answer # 2 I would firstly think about tracking the source of the infection, since the matter concerns human life it is of an intricate nature and I would want to get to the bottom of it quickly, for example I would give a lab test of the soil and manure used on my ranches to see if strains of the bacteria were present. Fresh vegetables such as spinach have frequently been said to be infected with the E. coli bacteria (World Health Organization, 2011). Therefore the probability of Greene Garden’s ranches being responsible also increases. I would next try and brainstorm with my team the measures which Greene Garden can take to reduce the threat to our vegetables, for example spraying the fields with pesticides etc and using better quality fertilizers in stead of animal manure (Mukherjeea, Spehb, & Diez-Gonzaleza, 2007). However, an important concern over here would be the cost constraints, I would most certainly want to do all I can to ensure that my vegetables are not at risk, yet I would want to be cost effective in my actions. Answer # 3 The new information further increases the possibility of Greene Garden’s spinach being implicated. I would first want to get in touch with someone who is involved in the investigation and has first hand knowledge regarding the method being used to test the samples. Furthermore, I would like to find out what the FDA thinks might be the source of the bacteria, for example water is known to be a carrier of the E. coli bacteria (Uzoigwe, O’Brien, & Brown, 2007) so may be getting the water tested would reveal the source of the pathogen. I would keep talking to the FDA officials and make my concerns evident to them so that they are aware of the fact that I am genuinely interested in finding out the cause and taking corrective action if my spinach is implicated because in such fragile situations it is important to have a good rapport with officials in strong positions. Additionally, I would make it a priority to run a public relations campaign regarding the safety precautions the consumers can take in order to keep themselves safe for example humans can get exposed to the E. coli strain through food, animal contact, and drinking water and also from one person to another (European Food Safety Authority, 2011). Therefore, till the FDA is able to come to a conclusion, warning people of all the possibilities and safety measures would do the customers well and also render Greene Garden a good name. Answer # 4 I would talk to my contact person at Tossed Fresh and try to convince them to recall the product. It might be hard because recalling so many products leads to a lot of losses yet if the long term and short term goals are weighed against each other, the benefit from recalling the product far exceeds the long term loss of reputation if the spinach from Greene Garden was actually tested positive for E. Coli. I would also try to convince Tossed Fresh on the grounds that since GRT Salads along with two other companies had recalled products it would now reflect badly on Tossed Fresh if it did not recall its products. It is understandable that the products have a small shelf life and that losses would be incurred, however,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Health and Safety in the Health and Social Care Workplace Essay

Health and Safety in the Health and Social Care Workplace - Essay Example Dilemmas encountered in implementation systems and policies 3.4. Effects of non compliance of legislation 4. Health and Safety policies 4.1. Effects of non compliance of legislation 4.2. Effectiveness of policies that promote a positive health and safety culture 4.3. Evaluation of own contribution 5. Conclusion Health and Safety in the Health and Social Care Workplace 1. Introduction Health and safety of the worker should be guaranteed when they are at work. This paper will talk about how health and safety legislation is implemented at work. It will identify requirements and impacts of policies of health and safety. It will discuss monitoring and review of the health and safety in the hospital workplace. 2. Health and Safety legislation implementation at the work place 2.1. Systems, policies and procedures for communication Neal and Wright (1993, p. 106) note that communication in the work place is virtue in ensuring the goals of the organization are met. This is achieved by using wr itten, verbal and graphic methods of communication. Verbal information is crucial for training, is simple and transfers information fast. Written information is usually in the form of memo, email, posters and reports which are clearly written. Written information is placed on notice board to communicate an important message. Graphics such as drawings, photos and videos are effective massagers of information. The use of safety sign posts is championed by the 1996 Health and Safety regulation. This regulation ensures that signs used are uniform in the entire hospital. The bottom line for such signs is for them to have an effect of illumination and us simple acoustic symbols or hand signals. Visible signs identifying designated rooms and restricted areas are placed in the entire hospital. The names of those in charge of first aid, supervisor on duty and fire assembly point are placed on the notice board for all employees to be aware. Whenever new employees are inducted, they are given information on possible dangers that may arise and how to report the cases. In addition, general safety precaution measures are written and given to employee regularly. This is done after the organization does an assessment risk for the work place. 2.2. Responsibilities in relation to the organization structure The management of the hospital is responsible for ensuring that the working environment is safe in line with the legislation such as RIDOR (Reporting of Incidents Disease and Dangerous Occurrences). According to Hughes and Ferrett (2011, p. 58) the health and safety commission, executive, management and employees have designated duties. The commission comes up with the legislation that the health care institution follows. The facility reports death incidents immediately for the authorities to investigate. The management is mandated with the responsibility of ensuring that the law is followed by the employees by facilitated a good working environment. They take liability insur ance for the organization. They ensure that the facilities are safe for employees and customers. They support practical, safe and healthy work activities. Safety of working equipment and physical premise is also warranted. Moreover, a risk assessment, safety policy and communication of the same are communicated by the management to employees and others using the hospital facilities. A written policy statement on safety is provided. This policy statement assigns diverse

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Henry James The Turn of the Screw Essay Example for Free

Henry James The Turn of the Screw Essay At first glance, it would appear that Henry James The Turn of the Screw and Tim Burtons Edward Scissorhands have only one thing in common: they are both from the gothic genre. But upon looking closer, one will notice that there are a number of other similar traits between the two. There are noticeable similarities between Edward and the Governess, as well as similarities between Edward and the two children in The Turn of the Screw, Miles and Flora. There are also general themes which the two share images of a perfect society, as well as onlookers who have no control over the situation. Both The Turn of the Screw and Edward Scissorhands have many traditional features of the gothic genre. However, when compared to each other, it is found that The Turn of the Screw has more of the traditional gothic elements. These include things such as the mysterious setting; an atmosphere of mystery and suspense that is present throughout the entire novel; visions, which are a regular occurrence for the Governess; supernatural events such as the ghosts and the possessions of the children; high emotion; women threatened by males, which is found on the many occasions in which the Governess feels threatened by Quint; and there are many instances in which the women of the novel are in distress. In spite of this, a number of these elements can also be found in Edward Scissorhands, if not to a lesser extent. These include elements such as the setting while the entire movie does not take place in a gothic setting, there are times where the viewer is able to see Edwards original home a mysterious, gloomy castle; an atmosphere of mystery and suspense, which is an underlying theme throughout the movie; visions to some extent experienced by the Boggs neighbour; and supernatural events largely, the overall creation of Edward. Other elements that are similar between the two are women in distress in Edward Scissorhands, this is largely Kim; and women threatened by males shown in scenes with Kim and her threatening boyfriend, Jim. There are not only similarities between the overall genre of The Turn of the Screw and Edward Scissorhands, but between the characters as well. There are striking similarities between the Governess, the narrator of the book, and Edward, the main character of the movie. One of the most prominent is that  neither of these lead characters have much experience in the real world, as is evident through their actions and words. However, the Governess and Edward deal with this in different ways. Edward is generally dazed and confused about everything. Nevertheless, Edward is willing to learn, and is open to being taught. In contrast, the Governess reacts to her lack of experience by acting as though she is knowledgeable. She is unwilling to try other methods, and refuses to listen to others who might know better. Both characters were also taught the difference between right and wrong. Edward is taught this by the inventor, while the Governess is taught this through both her upbringing, and by her father. Both Edward and the Governess are taught this in theory, but have never experienced it in practice that is, they have never been able to apply the idea of right and wrong to the real world. Additionally, there are a number of similarities between Edward, and the two children, Miles and Flora. Both have overbearing female or mother figures in their lives. In Edwards case, this is his foster mother, Peg, who tends to be more caring towards him, and looks out for him. In the childrens case, this is the Governess. However, unlike Peg, the Governess coddles the children, spending all her time with them and not letting them out of her sight. Both of them are also blamed for something which they didnt do, or which never happened. Edward is framed for the robbery and murder, which had the potential to get him in trouble with the law. This was a deliberate blame and set up. On the other hand, Miles and Flora were accused of seeing ghosts, and lying about it. However, in contrast to Edwards situation, we never know whether this actually happened but either way, it wasnt a deliberate setup. There are even more similarities between Edward and the two children. Both of these characters are abandoned by their father figure. In Edwards case, this is in the death of his inventor. Because of this, Edward has to learn to cope for himself, and as a result, is confused about how to act correctly. This differs to Miles and Flora though their parents die, and their uncle effectively abandons him, they still have people who are willing to look after them, such as Mrs Grose and the Governess. They are also both  idealised by the people around them. The community idealises Edward he is treated as a phase, the latest craze. They have preconceived notions of him, but dont take the time to get to know him and see if theyre actually true. In the childrens case, this is where the Governess idealises Miles and Flora. She imagines them to be so perfect and innocent, but she doesnt take the time to get to know them. Because of this, when they act differently to the behaviour she expects of them, she thinks something is wrong. Edward and Miles are both seen to have dangerous characters, and because of this they eventually become shunned or kicked out though the extent to which this happen differs. Miles is seen as a danger to the other children, and is kicked out of his school, but he is not rejected or shunned overall, just from one place. In contrast, Edward is eventually shunned by society as a whole because they dont understand him. As a result of this, he is rejected by society, and becomes an outcast. The narrative structure of the two texts is also quite similar. Both of them are told by a female, and in the first person. This viewpoint makes the story seem more personal, as it gives the reader or the viewer a better insight into what really took place. Both stories also start off in the present tense, with someone talking about the events which had previously taken place, before going into an account of the story. However, in The Turn of the Screw, we never go back to the original setting, whereas in Edward Scissorhands we are taken back to the original storyteller to finish the story. In both instances, it also gives the feel of the storyteller holding onto the secret, and waiting for the right time and place to finally tell their story to a willing audience. There are a number of general things which are common in both the texts. One of these is that both The Turn of the Screw and Edward Scissorhands have onlookers that have no control over the story, and dont fully understand what is going on. In Edward Scissorhands, the onlooker is Kim Pegs daughter who is a silent observer, and unsure as to what is happening. In The Turn of the Screw, this onlooker is Mrs Grose. Mrs Grose has no control over the actions of any of the other characters, and is forced to sit back and watch as the events take place around her, not fully knowing what is  going on. Another theme common in both texts, as well as being common in the gothic genre, is the idea of a woman being threatened by a powerful, impulsive, controlling male. In The Turn of the Screw, this is Quint, who, though dead, makes the Governess feel threatened. In Edward Scissorhands, the male is Jim Kims boyfriend. She feels threatened by his actions, and especially at his reaction to Edward. But the most obvious similarity between the two texts is that both have a perfect society, which slowly falls away, leaving the reader with an image of a very tainted place. In Edward Scissorhands, the community that he lives in is regarded as perfect, with everyone being accepting of him. However, as the story progresses, the perfect image falls away and we are left with a community that is biased and judgemental. In The Turn of the Screw, it first appears as though everything is perfect particularly the beauty of Bly, and the childrens characters, but we soon learn that it isnt. Overall, while there are some aspects of the texts which are entirely different, there are too many similarities for one to say that they are not alike in some way. These similarities are shown in a number of areas in the genre, the narrative structure, the characters actions and thoughts, as well as the overall themes and ideas which are introduced. However, whether The Turn of the Screw and Edward Scissorhands are similar or entirely different, they are both classic examples of the gothic genre of fiction.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Innovation in Pizza Hut Dominating the Pizza Sector

Innovation in Pizza Hut Dominating the Pizza Sector Nowadays in organizational innovation is the base of developmental a new system or way product introducing in business sector.. It is necessary for an entrepreneurial practice. Its may start of firm, a big organization, and a public or private-sector company. Innovation is change, something new, its fundamental change. When the opening out of the computer its present incremental revolutionize, such as the conversion computer software. In other hand managements should build up process to motivate and trained to the changes attractive situate. SOURCES OF INNOVATION In business ant innovation comes with strong source. Opportunities are other part of innovation in organizations. Innovation usually from the persistent search for opportunity and source. Management guru Peter Ducker recognized opportunities of innovation be present both into outside or inside of a company or industry. Innovation development requirements sources and opportunities for changes in the marketplace or industry structure. Information is collected in two ways one primary and other secondary .The definition of primary information is the first hand or the original or the principal knowledge. There are many source of primary information these include survey, interview, meeting, observation of object, discussion etc. The secondary information comes from electronic survey. Management and employee research about their sales, cost, production etc. They can find out customers interest and needs by this way. PIZZA HUT: The record of Pizza hut begin in 1958, nowadays the worlds biggest pizza franchise was born. Today the Pizza hut company is part of the YUM, but back then two brothers borrowed $600 from their mother and started to forge the history of Pizza hut. Pizza Hut is the biggest international franchise and restaurant chain store in pizza sector. Pizza hut is division of Yum! Brands Inc. the largest restaurant group with 30,000 outlets in 90 countries. Its providing both dine in and take way service. Pizza hut offers different types of menu; various types of pizza, pasta and salad etc. The first pizza hut was born in Wichita Kansas of America in 1958. Two brothers Dan and Frank Carney borrowed $600 from their mother and open 25 seats restaurant of pizza hut. The Commercial History of Pizza Hut The whole history of pizza hut has been achieved through innovation, but the history of pizza hut really took off with amalgamation into the Pepsi Company and more aggressive marketing techniques especially in the take out market. Not surprisingly over the years Pizza hut had to reinvent the pizza again and introduce a healthier style of pizza. Pizza in itself is not the unhealthiest meal, but it is laden with unnecessary calories and fats when cheese is added. Pizza hut was forced to add new taste combinations to their menus that offered a lower fat alternative. It is now possible to select between three to eight In 1973 pizza hut open their first UK restaurant in Islington, London. Now Pizza hut (UK) is a 50:50 joint venture company between Yum! Brands Inc. and Whitbread Group. PLC. Pizza Hut UK now has more than 650 outlets, including 420 dine-in restaurant all over UK and Ireland and over 270 home delivery outlets. Now Pizza Hut UK has more than 20,000 employees. Pizza hut is the leader of highly competitive pizza business sector. They have lot of branches all over the UK. They have to operate their branches systemically to stand in top position. Pizza hut has a great reputation about their various innovation of pizza, pasta and others foods. They always focus on customer choice. Thats why they provide different foods menu in different area with different taste. Pizza hut always analysis their progress of sales in different store level. They try to make flexible their operational and management level activities. They analysis how to improve in store sale, stock management, productivity, waste control, information updating. Since 1980s pizza hut using POS (point of sale) system to operate their value of store business and create specific business decision. But its not enough for now days. Thats why in beginning of 2000 they try different information systems, But at the end after lot of experience in 2004 MICROS business information systems ins talled in 11 Pizza Hut in UK. Micros systems provide the facilities business operation and management processing level. Julian ONeill, Director of Business Process and IT division of Pizza Hut (UK) Ltd. says Our felling, after pretty stringent testing, was that MICROS had the capability to develop what we needed more quickly and robustly. Their system fitted the UK scenario Pizza Hut (UK) Ltd. And MICROS: MICROS system developed to create a network of point of sale terminal for order entry, series of kitchen display monitor to maintain order of food preparation; its makes easy the complicated cash handling and controlling delivery display in take way section. MICROS have structural activities to store control, production, report making through business process with strong network to store management to regional manager and head office. According to ONeil, benefits get into two categories: financial and operational Firstly, the system has helped drive up revenue by increasing average guest ticket, 0Neill commented. That has happened particularly thanks to the intuitive nature of the system and the way it leads staff through the selling process, in addition to the ability to incentivise individual team members through the use of detailed employee performance reporting. Systems Makeover Re-Energizes, Pizza Giants Sales and Productivity MICROS information technology system is developed to operate in various sector in Pizza Hut store to head office. In store activities totally controlled by this system. Its creating serious improvement in order flow. Its makes faster and easier to taking order from customer by waiter and send to kitchen and delivered on time. ONeill said MICROS supports staff in a contemporary and user-friendly way, putting a lot more intelligence behind the selling process, He estimates average increase in guest check at around 1 to 2 per cent. MICROS system in store function: End of Week Week Forecasting Labour Management Stock General Daily Tasks . Troubleshoot Cash Management Add New Employee . Time Cards Day off Request Holiday Request Table Plan Editor Section Management Drivers commission Deduction TMRI Managers Desktop Figure: Pizza Hut Information Systems. MICROS information system in Pizza Hut generally operate by store management. They doing their daily tasks duties. By this system forecasting for daily, weekly and monthly sales is done. They analysis with systemically and forecast daily product preparation. Inventory and order processing done by this systems. All daily, weekly and period report done by MICROS. Pizza hut all employee have a employee card. They can use it for clock in clock out with MICROS. Management control labour workforce by this excellent system. Particularly MICROS information systems have huge impact in Pizza Hut business sector. By MICROS management done their operational and strategic process. Following some activities of MICROS information system in Pizza HUT (UK): # Labour Management: Management analysis labour scheduling by MICROS. They fine out best way to use the employee hour. Make employee weekly scheduling with this technology. ONeill commented.Store and area managers can -almost in real time monitor how sales are trending and how staff are being allocated, ONeill said.One direct result is more efficient labour deployment. Which has improved by 3-4% in trial stores # Order Processing: MICROS makes comfortable for employee to take order and process it. This system is so quick and efficient. In this system there is lot of option to make job easier. This system has very good interlinked to front of house to back of house. # Payroll Management: Pizza Hut weekly payroll done by MICROS system. Every Sunday is the end of week. Management control every day labour hour by MICROS system. They can analysis how many will be needed. After end of week they send this report to Pizza Hut head office HR department and employee get proper salary regular bases. # Management Control: Every Pizza Hut store has MICROS information technology system. They have own access password to control their restaurant business up to-date. Store management and area manager can easily visit to and get report of every moment sales performance, labour cost etc. MICROS system has lot of facility. By this store management can share there performance, sales report, business mail, online food order, table booking, etc. Every restaurant has my inventory section. They can order online to their regular food supplier 3636 by using MICROS system. ONeil says The ordering process is now much more operator-friendly, and ONeill observed. Rather than receiving a phone call from the distributor and placing an order over the phone, store personnel can now do things in their own time, going into their system whenever convenient and placing an order for delivery at some future point. MICROS system gives management more flexibility to manage their business plan and decision making. ONeill says It allows much more detailed management decision-making and much increased transparency of what is happening with stocks food and consumables in every store, Management Change of Innovation: Management change is very essential concept of the organization. Change mostly depends on corporate structure, technology and people. If there is no change the managerial job would be vary easy. Planning would be simplified because tomorrow would be no different from today. The issue of organization design would be solved because the environment would be free from uncertainty and there would be no need to adapt. Management change is an organizational reality. It is very important job of the manager to handling change management, but now question is which facto create the change? factor is structure, technology, and people. Three categories of change:- Structure:- Authority relationship, Coordinating mechanisms Job redesign Span of control + Technology:- Work process Work methods Equipment + People:- Attitudes Expectations Perceptions Behaviour Change Process: Beginning of any kind change in organization some people doing important rule and responsible for managing change in company. This may any from managements role or organization experts. They called as a change agents. In organization manager cannot innovate any kind of so easily. All change should with rules regulation, logical and realistic. To introduce any process of change management should think about feedback and reflect of change. Management has to prepare to face employee resistance to change. Thats why change process is a important research issue. Researchers have innovate lot of change process model for successful of change. Generally two methods are use for change process. One is calm waters and others is white water rapids. Calm waters: The calm waters metaphor also known as a The Lewin Model. Kurt Lewin change process mainly base of three steps of change. Change about academic, general rules regulation with theoretical and practical related to management in large areas The first one is Unfreezing to everyone that why change is important than the next one is introduce the Change and the last one is Freezing, analysis and modify the change to successful of implement. # Unfreezing: Look after on driving and resistance forces; expenses, internal resource, employee organized. #Change: Introduce two combinations of two factors, implement it briefly. Communication with everyone. #Freezing: Get feedback, analysis, solution and be successful. 0702 Figure: Changing Process (Fundamental of Management-page;233) White- water rapids: This methods focus on doubtful and self-motivated atmosphere. Mainly highlighted the advantages for organization and small facts can be removable for large implements. Management get strong feedback instantly and go for action quick Explain probability and profitability of opportunities Reason of Resistance of change: We may like change and regard it is an essential feature of living; it does not mean that we always welcome it (Hughes, 2006, p.118) Resistance about any kind of change is natural human behaviour. Its a psychological weakness of people to adjust with something new. Resistance of change is common effect for management. So management should reason of resistance and how to reduce it from organization. Why people resist about change in organization its a common and important question. Lets find out some common factor of conflict of change between management and employee. Uncertainty: In general reason resistance of change for organizational people is hesitation. Its a common problem for human being to indecision mentality. Normally employee feels nervous uncomfortable. Thats why they always try to avoid any kind change. They think may their position will be lost. Threatened Self Interest: This type of normally coming from part of management and senior employee. They fear to loss their position, they think when something new introduces their long time experience will be useless. Different Perceptions: Conflict between top management and employee level is one of reason for resistance. Managements want to introduce any upgrade in business from their point of view, but employee does not except it, because the lack of inter relation. Feeling of Loss: Change is effect on work environment. People have own system to work. They dont want come out from his own network. They scared, If they try something new they can loss their dignity, power, co-relation, money, life and social security etc. 0703 Figure: Why People resist (Fundamentals of Management Page: 236) Its expectable management have face conflict of changing from their employee. The management have prepared for this kind situation. When resistance coming management should it take strongly. Resistance about change is always on top form. Ignore any thing this circumstances not a good move. Management have to analysis what the key point that people have resistance with something new. They have to utilise proper process to introduce any kind of change in organizational level. Recover the resistance about change in organization its not so simple. For successful change its really important to overcome resistance of change. Management should be technical to reduce the resistance of change in organization. Management can utilised several technical process like Education, Training and Communication. People resist for new thing because that have lack knowledge idea about that. Corporate training, inter personal communications; seminar can reduce the resistance of change. Management have prov ided proper information about changing process. They have to present the advantages of change in organization. There are some key technical processes to reduce the resistance of change: # Education and Communication: People have lack of idea and information about anything new. They dont know how any change can give them facilities, extra advantages. Impact of change can be successful, they dont understand because of communication gap. If management provide proper education, trained them to get ready of change. Proper Information can reduce the resistance of change in organization. It can give strong confidence to employee. # Participation: Its a real technical and smart process to overcoming from change resistance. Generally people become resist to change because, they expect about losing position, power, they may be underestimate. So management have to make sure employee not ignored, they are part of change, part of success. Contribution has to proper way and honestly. Management should give honour expertise. Participation and contribution give strong feedback about acceptance to change. # Facilitation and Negotiation: In organization always have some strong community. Ignore them its not smart movement. If they dont support it will be difficult to get success to up-coming change. Provide them facilities, benefits, declare change can be beneficial. Negotiate with some demand can solve the conflict of change. There are few more issue can reduce the resistance to change, it could be manipulation and cooptation, force field analysis. Beside these the manager can do other things to make the innovation successful within the organization. Establish the needs for the upcoming change or setup of the innovation within the organization. Define the success in market terms by creating an external focus over the market and the competitors. Be the clear thinker with the deep knowledge of the upcoming change within the organization. Encourage the employee with the imaginary power, to lead the success of the implementation of innovation. Energize team with the communication; make then a part of the change or creating the innovation. Make them proud to be a part of the innovation. Let them think they are doing something which will lead in the future. Give them a dream of innovation. Increase then internal communication with the team member. Obviously the monitoring. All of these could lead to the implement of an innovation successfully within the organization. Role of an organization in innovation or change: For the implementation of an innovation or bring a change within the organization is not a simple task. Here organization must have to involve along with change agent. The main plan to bring of an innovation or change comes from the organizational step huge involvement. Technology management cycle is the core things for any kinds of change or innovation. It starts with the concept of innovation and final stage is reflection of the concept. It is a continuous process. Only the change is unchangeable things. In the management cycle the manager gather different types of idea of change in the concept stage. Then try to find out the best possible action to take on. Then move to the experiment stage. Here management try with the chosen action how they are working. Is it ok to satisfy the management demands? This the experience stage of the management cycle. Finally the monitor and evaluate the actual performance and bring some possible change if necessary. Here, again starts with the generating new idea. To make a successful change or an innovation organization must have some important roles beside the management cycle. Like The organization must have to create a strategic vision Establish process to convert the idea with to innovation They must allocate the resources Reward the innovation result To bring an innovation or create any change the organization must have focus on few important things as well What would be the benefits of the customer or organization or stakeholders Consider the acceptable turn over Consider the value adds to the value chain Role of manager in the innovation Manager played very important role in tesco especially in the innovation process. Every manager in tesco is very sharp thinker. Manager is the team leader of every store. He has extra energetic power to maintain his team work. He is the developer and expertise in function. Innovation is the process of taking a createve idea and turning it into a useful product, service, or method of operation. The innovative organization is characterized by the ability to channel its creative juices into useful outcomes. When manager talk about changing an organization to make it more creative, they usually mean that they want to stimulate innovation. The manager of tesco doing planning, organizing, leading, monitoring and controlling. Technology provides very positive solution in the company, but technology effect the managerial role. At present company has become integrative communication canters. By using faster broadband computer and other utility tools manager get quick information. Tesco also u se their own software in their system, so every manager are well trained about the operate. By using those innovation manager can better formulate plants, make faster decisions, more clearly define the jobs that workers need to perform and monitor activities. In essence, information technology has enhanced manager ability to more effectively and efficiently. In those innovation are working correctly or not manager are the responsible person to complete this. He is the responsible person to implement those innovations. Tesco`s managerial people have creativity, motivate and encourage employees, scanning the environment, decision maker, entrepreneur, fix any problem quickly, handle under pressures, and negotiator. Every manager is the leader of the company. Manager is not the creator of those innovations but his duty is the implement in operation and practice Role of an organisation in innovation Innovation is the main key in tesco for its customer and their business. Companies main focus is equally in product and the process of innovation. From the begening of the company they try to keep their price low. The company also try to keep the shopping experience as easy as possible. Their strategy:- * Good customer service, easy and faster shoping. * Very sustainable price with good quality. * Same price in every store.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Strategy Formulation Framework Tourism Essay

The Strategy Formulation Framework Tourism Essay 2.0 Introduction Chapter 2 will introduce the users about the Methodology used in conducting the research and analysis of the strategies used by Saba Restaurant. The type of methodology used in the conducting this research is The Strategy-Formulation Framework. The purposes of introducing this methodology to the user are to provide the information by which the validity of the research will be ultimately judged. This is to ensure that the team that carries out the research will be able to provide the users with clear and precise descriptions of how the research and analysis was done, and the rationale for the specific key points chosen. In such this will allow the users of the report to carry out similar strategy formulation method to evaluate whether the results are reproducible, and also allow the users to judge whether the results and conclusions are relevant, reliable and valid in the sense that the result will reflect the business natures and it industries. 2.1 Vision and Mission Statement First and foremost for the first part of the Chapter 2, the users will be introduced about the formulation and the evaluation of a companys vision and mission statement. To enable an organization to formulate and implement good alternative strategies, a clear vision and mission statements are needed. This part will be focusing on the concepts and tools needed to evaluate and formulate a good business vision and mission statement. In order to give users a better understanding on vision and mission statement of a business, it is important to focus on the business when it is first started. Vision and mission statements are the resulting written documents which mirrors the basic ideas of the sets of belief about a business. It is crucial for the owner or manager to revise the founding set of beliefs as the business starting to grow. Those new ideas will then be reflected in the revised vision and mission statement. Synergies are said to be achieved when the managers and employees work together to formulate the vision and mission statements for an organization. As a result of such work, the output gained in the form of resultant documents can reflect the personal visions that managers and employees have in their hearts and minds about their own futures. In the end, such shared vision will create commonality of interest within the organization that will motivate both the employees and management to achieve the organizational goal as one. 2.1.1 Vision Statement Evaluation In order to formulate a good vision statement, it is important to involve all the managers and executives in an organization to come out with a common agreed vision that will strives to achieve in the long-term organizational goals. Basically, most of the organizations nowadays have both a vision and mission statement but in order for an organization to operate in long run, the vision statement should be established first and followed by the establishment of the mission statement of an organization. A clear vision statement should be able to answer the question of What do we want to become? Thus, the said vision will able to provide the organisation the foundation for developing a comprehensive mission statement in which that enables an organization to operate effectively and efficiently in the short-run. A vision statement basically is evaluated based on the following characteristics: Should be short and clear, preferably in one sentence; and Should involve as many managers or executives as possible when developing the vision statement. All in all, it is very important to have a clear vision statement before an organization set up its mission statement in order to have a clear view of an organizations long term business operation and to always strive for the vision to achieve desired future position of the company. 2.1.2 Mission Statement Evaluation In order to formulate an effective mission statement, the mission statement should always be broad in scope. The term broad in scope highlight the relationship between specificity and generality of the mission statement. Due to the fact that an overly specificity statement would most likely limit the potential of creative growth for the organization; while an overly generality statement which includes various strategy alternatives could lead to dysfunctional in an organization. Thus, an effective mission statement should be able to answer the question What is our business? As a mission statement reveals an organizations effort in become what they want to be and whom they wish to serve their products and services. A good mission statement will enable the management of an organization in the formulation and consideration of a range of possible alternative objectives and strategies without excessively limiting the management creativity. Besides that, an effective mission statement needs to be reconciliatory so that the organization is able to reconcile the differences effectively among the organizations diverse stakeholders and appeal these differences to them. Nonetheless, a good mission statement should be able to assist organization in identifying the relative attention that it needs to dedicate to meeting the claims and obligations to various stakeholders. The harmony relationship between the specificity and generality of mission statement is usually difficult to achieve, but it is well worth the effort. The following characteristics are what an effective mission statement should have: Broad in scope; do not include monetary amount, numbers percentages, ratios, or objectives Less than 250 words in length Inspiring Identify the utility of a firms products Reveal that the firm is both socially and environmentally responsible Reconciliatory Enduring Include the nine mission statement components Nevertheless, as mission statement is often the most visible and public part of the strategic-management process, it is important that it also includes the nine components which made up of the following: Customers Who are the firms customers? Product/Services What are the firms major products and services? Markets Where does the firm compete (geographically)? Technology Is the firm technologically current? Survival, growth profitability Is the firm committed to growth and financial soundness? Philosophy What are the basic beliefs, values, aspirations and ethical priorities of the firm? Self-concept What is the firms distinctive competence or major competitive advantage? Public image Is the firm responsive to social, community, and environmental concern? Employees Are employees treated as valuable assets of the firm? In conclusion, an effective business mission statement must be able to reflect the judgments about the future growth directions and strategies that are able to achieve an organizations long-term goals and objectives. Besides that, an effective mission statement should provide useful criteria for selecting among alternative strategies and act as a basis for decision making over various strategic option. Thus enable the organization to determine the best alternative strategies to strive for and what type of decisions to be made in order to achieve the organizations goal and objectives. As such, the mission statement should be updated often to stay relevant. 2.2 Strategy-Formulation Framework Chapter 2 Part 2 will be discussing about the Strategy Formulation Framework in details to enable users to understand the nature of the framework and also to understand each stages of strategy formulation framework. Strategic management analysis plays an important role in an organization as it largely involves  managers, executives or strategists in making critical alternative decisions based on objectives information. Users will able to understand the important concepts that help managers, executives or strategist in formulating, evaluating and deciding which alternatives is the best course of action. Factors that will determine the decision of the management in generating alternative strategies are the External Environment Forces and the Internal Environment Forces. Both the External and Internal Environments Forces have strong relationship within organizations, as these forces are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) that the organizations currently have and will be anticipating in the near future. Firstly any changes the External Environment Forces will affect the consumer demand for both industrial and consumer products and services. Nevertheless, the external forces also directly affect both suppliers and distributors. Any changes made in the external force will ultimately alter an organizations effort on the opportunities and threats anticipation. Organizations will able to develop clear mission, develop long-term strategies and develop policies to achieve annual objectives and organizational goals through identifying and evaluating both external opportunities and threats. The external environments forces include the following factors that will be used to evaluate and gather information on organizations opportunities and threats: Key External Forces Demographic Forces Factors comprises of the demographic forces are usually the population demographic such as age, gender race distributions, marriage divorce rates, immigration rate, education systems, education levels, distribution of income wealth, and other factors that will affect the populations demographic Economic Forces These forces mainly consist of factors such as inflation rate, GDP growth rate, unemployment rates, import or export conditions and other factors that will generally affect the economics of the world. Political/Legal Forces Factors which needed to be consider in this forces are the government stability relations with other countries, government spending and taxation policies, industrial policies, laws and regulations on employments, environment protection, foreign trade, duties and tariffs, and other factors that may affect these type of forces. Socio-cultural Forces Socio-cultural forces mainly consists the factors of the social class structure and mobility, the attitudes towards lifestyle trends, work places, consumerism and environmentalism, and other factors in which might affect these type of forces. Technology Forces Factors such as the new discoveries or development in the industry, speed of technological transfer, obsolescence rates within own or related industry, government polices and spending on research, technology changes and others should be considered. Global Forces Global forces mainly consists of factors arises from all other external forces that are in relation to global contexts. Physical Forces Factors that focus on the physical existences and locations of an organization in a specific area will affect its market capabilities. Industry Forces Industry forces mainly comprises of the competitive forces of an organization with all its competitors in the industry. Factors such as the bargaining power of customers suppliers, threat of new competitors substitute products or services and rivalry among existing competitors. Secondly, the Internal Environment Forces will be the organizations Strengths and Weaknesses in the functional areas of business. No organization is equally strong or weak in all areas. Objectives and strategies are established with the purpose of capitalizing the organizations internal strength to overcome the weaknesses. An organization strengths and weaknesses can be seen and evaluated from its effort in marketing, finance, accounting, management, management information system, production or operation and its research development efforts. The internal environment forces include the following factors which will be used to evaluate and gather information on organizations strengths and weaknesses: Key Internal Forces Resources This key internal factor mainly focuses on the organizations internal resources such as materials or other assets that are used to produce economical benefits for the organization. Examples of such factors are the financial resources, human resources, physical resources and other resources that may affect an organizations operation. Capabilities Capability is the ability of an organization to initiate and perform its daily operation. It concern about the ability of an organization to utilize the resources and transform them into future benefits, and to create competitiveness edge over its competitors. Core Competencies Core Competency is reflected as a unique ability that an organization has which cannot be easily imitated that give an organization one or more competitive advantages, in creating and delivering value to its customers in its industry. Then again, the Strategy-Formulation Framework is regarded as important strategy-formulation techniques which are integrated into a three-stage decision-making framework. The tools used in this framework are applicable to all organizations type and able to help strategists formulate, evaluate and select strategies. Stage I: The Input Stage External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) Internal Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix Stage II: The Matching Stage Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) Matrix Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix Internal-External (IE) Matrix Grand Strategy Matrix Stage III: The Decision Stage Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) Table 1 As show in Table 1, Stage 1 of the formulation framework consists of the EFE Matrix, the IFE Matrix and the Competitive Profile Matrix. Being the Input Stage, Stage 1 act as the basic input to summarize the information needed to formulate strategies. This information is largely dependent on the Key External and Internal Forces that managements or strategists have identified and evaluated. Stage 2 which is the Matching Stage, focuses on generating feasible alternative strategies by using the key external and internal factors that have been summarized in Stage 1. Tools in Stage 2 include the Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Matrix, the Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix, the Boston Consultation Group (BCG) Matrix, the Internal-External (IE) Matrix and lastly the Grand Strategy Matrix. Results from Stage 1 and 2 are then be used in Stage 3 to indicate which alternative strategies are the best for the organization in its current state and to achieve long term objectives. Stage 3 also known as the Decision Stage involves a single analytical technique that is designed to determine the relative attractiveness of feasible alternative strategies or actions. Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) uses input information from Stage 1 to objectively evaluate feasible alternative strategies identified in Stage 2. As QSPM will reveals the relative attractiveness of alternative strategies and thus provide an objective basis for selecting specific strategies. Details on all nine techniques of strategy formulation framework will be further discussed in the following part starting from Chapter 2 part 3. 2.3 Stage 1: The Input Stage Stage 1 of the formulation framework consists of the EFE Matrix, the IFE Matrix, and the Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM). As the Input Stage, these three tools basically are the summary of basic input information needed to formulate strategies. The information derived from these three matrixes will provide the basic input information for the Stage 2 and Stage 3 of the framework. 2.3.1 External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix In stage 1, users will be focusing on identifying an organizations internal and external environment factors by using The External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix. EFE Matrix also known as the Industry Analysis focuses on summarizing and evaluating an organizations external environment which covers the industrys economic, social, cultural, demographic, environmental, political, governmental, legal, technological, and competitive information. These external environment forces will ultimately affect an organization in making decision on choosing feasible strategies alternatives to meet its long term goal. Table 2 is the example of EFE Matrix. The rest of the page is left blank as intended Key External Factors Weight Rating Weight Score Opportunities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Threats 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Total 1.00 Table 2 Steps in developing EFE Matrix List a total of 16 to 24 key external factors consist of both opportunities and threats that affect an organizations industry which are identified in Chapter 3 External Environment. Information picked should be as specific or objectives as possible, using percentages, ratios and comparative numbers. Assign each factor with a weight that ranges from 0.0 (not important) to 1.0 (very important). Usually opportunities receive higher weights than threats, but if threats are severe or threatening, then it should be given higher weights. The sum of all weights assigned to the factors must equal to 1.0 Assign a rating between 1 and 4 for each key external factor. This is to indicate how an organizations current strategies will effectively respond to these external factors, where 4 = superior response, 3 = above average response, 2 = average response and 1 = poor response. Multiply each factors weight by its rating to determine a weighted score. Sum the weighted score for each variable to determine the total weighted score for chosen organization. Factors includes in EFE Matrix should always be as objective as possible, where factors should be stated in quantitative terms to the extent, rather than being just vague terms. No matter how many numbers of key opportunities and threats included in an EFE Matrix, the maximum or highest possible total weighted score for an organization will always be 4.0 and the minimum or lowest possible total weighted score is 1.0 and an average score of 2.5. Rating above average rating of 2.5 indicates that the organization is taking the advantage of existing opportunity and minimizes the potential threats; rating below 2.5 indicates that an organization is not effectively taking advantage on the external opportunities and also trying to avoid the threat they are facing. As conclusion, the EFE is used to summarize and evaluate the key external opportunities and threats that are beyond the control of the organization. 2.3.2 Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) Other than External Factors Evaluation (EFE) Matrix, Stage 1 also includes the Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) that is used to identify an organizations major competitors and its particular strengths and weaknesses in relation to a sample organizations strategic position. Similar to EFE Matrix, the weights and total weighted scores in CPM have the same meaning and purposes. Illustration of Table 3 will further allow users to understand the calculation and evaluation of a CPM. Company A Company B Company C Critical Success Factors Weight Rating (1-4) Score Rating (1-4) Score Rating (1-4) Score Advertising Product Quality Price Competitive Management Financial Position Customer Loyalty Global Expansion Market Share Total 1.00 Table 3 Critical Success Factors in the CPM include both the internal and external forces issues that make up the factors in the EFE Matrix and IFE Matrix, and thus the ratings for the factors are referred to strengths and weaknesses, whereby 4 =major strength, 3 = minor strength, 2 = minor weakness, and 1 = major weakness. However, these critical success factors are not grouped into opportunities and threats as the ones in the EFE Matrix. The rating and total weighted scores for rival firms can be used to compare the competitive performance to the sample firm. The results from the comparative analysis will provide important internal strategic information. However, users have to aware that they should avoid assigning the same rating to firms included in the CPM analysis. Nonetheless, users should also be reminded that the rating in a CPM are not aiming to arrive at a single number, but rather to integrate and evaluate information that aids in decision making. In conclusion, the CPM is used to identify a firms major competitors and its particular strengths and weaknesses in relation to a sample firms strategic position. The rating results from CPM should be used to aid an organization in decision making. 2.3.3 Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix Last technique used in Stage 1 will be the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix. Users will be focusing on constructing IFE to summarize and evaluate on the internal strategic management or the major strengths and weaknesses in the functional area of an organization. When developing IFE Matrix, users are required to use their intuitive judgments. Below is an example of IFE Matrix which is illustrated in Table 4. Key Internal Factors Weight Rating Weight Score Strengths 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Weaknesses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Total 1.00 Table 4 Steps in developing IFE Matrix List a total of 16 to 24 key internal factors consists of both strengths and weaknesses which are identified in Chapter 3s Internal Environment. Information picked should be as specific or objectives as possible, using percentages, ratios and comparative numbers. Assign each factor with a weight that ranges from 0.0 (not important) to 1.0 (very important). The sum of all weights assigned to the factors must equal to 1.0. Factors being strengths or weaknesses that have the greatest impact on organizational performance should be given the highest weights. Assign a rating of 1 to 4 to each key internal factor. Rating 1 = major weakness, 2 = minor weakness, 3 = minor strengths and 4 = major strengths. Beware that only weaknesses will receive rating 1 to 2; and strength will receive rating 3 to 4. Multiply each factors weight by its rating to determine a weighted score. Sum the weighted score for each variable to determine the total weighted score for chosen organization. Just like EFE Matrix, factors includes in IFE Matrix should always be as objective as possible, where factors should be stated in quantitative terms to the extent, rather than being just vague terms. No matter how many numbers of key internal strengths and weaknesses that are included in an IFE Matrix, the total weighted score can range from a low of 1.0 to a high of 4.0 and an average score of 2.5. Rating above average rating of 2.5 indicates that the organization is internally strong, while rating below 2.5 indicates the organization is internally weak. It is important to user that while developing IFE Matrix, try not to have the financial ratio analysis as key internal factors to be more than 30 percent of the total factors. This is because financial ratios are generally the result of many other factors and thus this may create confusion and disorient the organization in which strategies to be considered based on the financial ratios analysis. In conclusion, the IFE Matrix is used as a technique to summarize and evaluate the key internal strengths and weaknesses of an organization, also to act as a basis for identifying and evaluating the relationship among the key internal factors. By the end of Stage 1, users will now able to understand the use of the three techniques or tools (EFE Matrix, CPM and IFE Matrix) to summarize and evaluating both key internal and external factors of the organizations and its industries. Next part of the Chapter 2 will be focusing on the Stage 2 of the Strategy Formulation Framework which is the Matching Stage.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Following the Wrong Footsteps :: essays papers

Following the Wrong Footsteps For much of Public School's history, the academic standards had little to do with whether or not you were a male or a female. Much of one's placement in a classroom or school depended on the age or academic standing. Other issues such as the consolidation of schools and the Americanization of immigrants were given a higher placement of importance. The subject of gender was almost taken for granted and when the issue did intrude, historically the reaction was one of arbitrary response. The public was much more concerned with the development of their men than the equality of their children (Pollard, 1993.) As time allowed more men and more women to be schooled together, it was evident that a woman's presence alone would not ensure an equally beneficial education. The school systems continue to follow a gendered curriculum, created mainly by men in order to serve men. It is the reinforcement of the gender biases and assumptions through their methodical distribution and teaching of stereotypes and ideas that put the education of men and women on two separate levels. There is no example to follow when it comes to the equal education of children because even though they receive the same education, it is far from equal. It is this along with the lack of recognition towards women who have achieved greatness both in and out of education that creates an outsider status for the female student (Lasser, 1987). The main problem in attempting to accomplish gender equity is the fact that the teachers being sent off to teach children in gender equitable terms are not trained to do so. Gender equity issues are virtually ignored in most university level education classes and any strategies created to decrease gender-biased classroom behavior are basically non-existent. Most efforts to remove this problem are geared toward working teachers when the focus needs to be on the upcoming generation of teachers presently in school (Miller, 2001). Teacher Expectations and Learning Environments In addition to poor teacher training; culture stereotypes and the expectations of these teachers are what diminish a girl's self-esteem and confidence. This is turn continues to cheat girls out of the education they deserve (Miller, 2001). What has created this phenomenon of discrimination is not something of a natural occurrence, but one of social distortion.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Boudica :: essays research papers

Twenty years after the invasion, Britain was feeling oppressed by the Roman Empire, none more so than the Iceni tribe. Their late king, Prasutagus, had left the Icenian land to the Romans in his will, but on certain conditions. Upon his death, the Romans took over without abiding by any of these conditions, treating the land as if it was theirs by right of conquest. There was looting and tyranny, the king’s family was abused and the Romans savagely ruled over the Iceni. Another factor in aggravating the Britons was that the occupiers began to recall large loans which had been forced upon unwilling Britons. Some Britons were conscripted into the army, the Roman procurators wanted to extract as much wealth as could be had from the latest addition to the empire. Boudica, having been treated and indeed flogged as a slave, decided to rebel. She joined forces with the Trinovantes, who had their own reasons to hate the Romans. Some of their land had been taken from them to form part of Camulodunum (now Colchester). One of buildings in it was the Temple Of Claudius, it was hated by the oppressed masses and became the first target of Boudica’s attack. The colonists appealed for help and troops were sent from Londinium, but these amounted to just 200 and were ill equipped for the task. The veterans and the troops took cover in the Temple but were soundly beaten after two days, the temple was destroyed and the town sacked. Petillius Cerialis, camped with Legio IX eight miles away at Longthorpe heard of the revolt and set off for the town, but he was ambushed and at length defeated. Boudica heartened by this success now marched on Londinium. Suetonius Paullinus was at an island in north Wales when he heard of the rebellion. He made haste for Londinium with Legio XIV, but his journey was slow and when at length he arrived in Londinium he realised that he did not have enough troops to defend it, and so the largest town in Britain was abandoned. Verulamium too could not be held and so the army retreated. When Boudica’s army reached London they thought of nothing but loot and so did not make for the militarily strategic points but instead to wherever they could plunder the most money, this proved their downfall. While the Britons looted, Paullinus gathered his men which amounted to some ten thousand and chose a place of battle most advantageous to him.

Following the Sweet Path of Honey :: Bees Beehives Papers

Following the Sweet Path of Honey A bee alights upon a flower, having been attracted to it by the sweet smell of nectar. Knowing of the plant's readiness to release nectar, the bee begins to extract the sugary substance and stores it away in a stomach pouch along with the other nectar it has collected for the day. This is only the first step in a complex process that brings honey to our tables. In fact, it will take over two hundred days and trips to over eight hundred thousand flowers to produce a 35 ounce pot of honey. Honey is one of the few foods for which we still rely on a natural process, and it is the only one which relies on an insect. In a time when most foods are processed and produced in labs, the honey industry still revolves around the unique alchemy and ability of the honeybee. The path from flower to table connects nature to modern production. It is a simple product with complex connections and a fascinating process. It all begins in a manmade beehive; a multilevel contraption of boxes and screens that recreates the environment of a hive, but is designed to make removing excess honeycomb a more efficient procedure. A set of hives in the field looks more like abandoned dresser drawers than the site of mass production. Despite its uncomplicated aesthetics though, the beehive is a very efficient factory. Honeybees are perfect models for division of labor. Within their society there are three very distinct categories, each with specific duties and functions. The Worker Bees are the active force behind the hive. These female honeybees gather the nectar and pollen, feed the larvae and pupae, supply water, secrete beeswax, build comb, and complete many other necessary tasks. In its lifetime this Worker Bee will produce only half a teaspoon of honey, but it will travel fifty-five thousand miles to do so (Dadant1). The Drone is the most expendable member of the colony. These males bees only exist to impregnate the Queen Bee. In the winter months when the hive thins out due to the ceasing of honey production, it is mostly the Drones who are forced to leave and soon perish (Dadant 2). The center of reproduction in the colony is the Queen Bee.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Food Memoir Essay

Eating it as soon as it gets out of the oven is an amazing experience. The elation increased inside me as soon as I started to smell the juicy baked chicken. Suddenly, it feels like a irresistible need to grab a bite of it right away. Obviously you can’t resist it, so you cut a piece of it and eat it. The crunchy sensation of the baked cereal all around the chicken is wonderful, but not only the texture felt good, the gooey of the sugar that comes with the cornflake make it taste like glory. The sweet mixed with the salt of the seasonings is an incredible party inside the mouth. Adding a delicious bowl of baked potatoes with bechamel sauces makes the dish even better. I always love to cook and be creative while cooking; preparing different kind of dishes with different seasons, all natural most of the time. Cooking is not about following recipes and going by the cooking book. Instead it’s about being able to mix different seasonings to create the perfect taste. The history behind this invention comes from the lack of resources to prepare a decent dish. It was a quite night like tonight, listening to John Mayer and my roommate and I were really hungry. Then we looked at the refrigerator and cabinets to see what we could cook but we only found chicken, tomatoes, garlic, salt and pepper. Having all those seasons and been tired of eating grill chicken I decided to make it baked crunchy chicken, but sadly there wasn’t any ground bread and I figured it out late so the only thing that I could use was the cereal. So that is how it happened, a happy mistake. I used cornflakes instead of bread crumbs for the baked chicken. At the time I started to prepare the chicken, two girls came in looking for us. They reaction was priceless; they screamed â€Å"Oh my god! You guys are crazy! † at us. My roommate after he laughed for few seconds he told them that it was going to taste good and that they will want me to cook for them after they taste it. The girls said ok and stayed in our apartment all night with us having fun. While the chicken was in the oven, I put some potatoes to boil. Then when the potatoes were cooked, I prepared bechamel sauces. I took a bowl with all the potatoes and I let the bechamel sauces rain over it. Then I put the bowl inside the oven with the chicken as well. In the meantime, I sat down between the two girls and we talked about something â€Å"special†. That happened later that night. When it was time to take the chicken and the potatoes out of the oven, we all went to the kitchen to see how it looks like. First I took out the chicken and placed on the dinner table, and then I go back to the kitchen to take out the potatoes as well. When I come back from the kitchen, I found that my friends had already eaten one chicken to taste it in like 8 seconds. I told them that they attacked the chicken too fast. Therefore one of the girls said to me that it was really good, that the sugar on the chicken was delicious. We sat on the table, each of us four with 2 boneless Baked Cereal Crunchy Chicken, with baked potatoes doused in bechamel sauce and many very cold coke cans. The coke cans were so cold that I had to use my can handler while the others used a can bag that we have. Those 15 to 30 minutes that we were eating on the table, became a good memory to our brains and especially to our tongues. Even though, that like five other people came to the apartment to check out our dinner and ate from our food, it was a good. They find out about it because the girls posted some pictures on instagram. Every single people who tasted the food, at the beginning when they saw what was it, they were all like â€Å"Cornflakes with Chicken? † However they all found it very tasty. Good enough to tell me that I should do that again. After we ate, I laid down on the sofa with my head over one of the girl legs. Then my friend yelled out loud â€Å"Toy timbi†, that is a Dominican expression that people say when we cannot eat more. My roommate went to the kitchen to clean the dishes, as it was his turn. After he was done, the girls screamed â€Å"Special time! † and suddenly a bottle of Jose Cuervo appeared. They prepared some margaritas with lemon and strawberry mixer. Later on, after around 3 rounds of margaritas we started to listen and dance merengue and salsa. We dance for like hour and half non stopping. Also we were singing a bit while we were dancing. We stopped dancing when he figure out that it was 4:00 am and we had class at 8:30 am. We were all tired but we were also in a happy mood. We all went to bed right away, but sadly none of us make it through the next four hours; the one who woke up earlier was the younger girl at 10 o’clock. She nocked my door very hard, until I woke up really mad because we skipped the class at 8:30 am. When we were all ready, we talked about last night. And the first thing that came out was that the chicken was really good and when I would do it again.